“How’re you going?” means “sup?” or “how are things?” or “wie geht’s dir?”. Click on that link, then watch the video. Then watch all the rest of I did a thing‘s videos. Notice how he begins many of them by saying “Huyguwing”. This is Australian for how’re you going.
Trust me,
I asked my friend Sophie, who is from New Zealand. She said that Aussies and Kiwis say “How’re You Going” all the time. HYG confirmed.
Next steps?
If someone presents an HYG to you, like when you’re travelling down-under or whatever, I’d recommend responding with the following: “98. I am sober!”
Runner ups include: “39. Doing fairly well, unless you have some contagious disease and are about to infect me .” and “74. I am high-quality, 100% plant-fed. (perfect for vegans)”.
Do I have to say the numbers out loud, make that winky face, and say “(perfect for vegans)” out loud?